Changed up the reps per set going with higher reps and progressively escalating weight. The variety is awesome. I could not finish my 30 Burpee finisher. Could only do 16.
The good news is that last week I was feeling it in my shoulder and I didn’t notice that it went away. I did not make any massive gains today but I did get a good workout in and I don’t feel that sore.
Finally, I keep on reading about CrossFit and people who are discounting it. True strength trainers criticize it, and I agree with this 100%, because CrossFit incorporates highly technical lifts into a High Intensity circuit. This leads to poor form and injuries. As someone who is laser focused on form since I don’t want to get injured I agree with this wholeheartedly. Without getting into a long story I saw two people at my gym today doing highly technical lifts with heavy weights and atrocious form. I am not part of a CrossFit box but I guarantee you that what they were doing is a by product of the CrossFit craze. Lifting is dangerous and not something to be taken lightly.
I will end this post by saying that I am concurrently following a Facebook post discussion from someone who is doing CrossFit and is injured but defending it. He is using the classic CrossFit defensive position that it is all of these other CrossFit gyms that are terrible and not mine - even though he is injured or at least very sore. Since I have never done CrossFit I will keep my mouth shut and trust that he knows what he is doing.
Warm Up:
- 30 Sit Ups
Chest/Back Routine - 5 sets increasing in weight and decreasing in reps 15/12/10/8/6. To compensate for lighter weights keep a good pace.
- Barbell Row ( ** I start from the floor every rep and bring barbell to my chest. Purpose is to exactly replicate the bench press in reverse.
- Pull Ups / Dips / Chin Ups
Notes / Results:
- Time: 65 minutes
- Weight: 193
- Press
- Previous High: 3@100 or 1@105
- Sets: 15@45, 12@55, 10@65, 8@75, 4@85/2@85
- Bench Press
- Previous high: 3@155
- Sets: 15@95, 12@105, 10@115, 6@125/2@125, 4@135/2@135
- Barbell Row
- Previous High: 4@170
- Sets: 15@95, 12@105, 10@115, 8@125, 6@135
- Pull Ups/Dips/Chin Ups - After the 1st set I put a rope over the monkey bars and did pull ups using that.
- Sets: 3/5/4, 4 rope/5# dip, 3 rope/4 10# dips. 3 rope/4 10# dips, 2 rope/4 10# dips
- # indicates use of weight belt so 5# means 5 reps done with 5 pound weight belt
- Finisher - 16 Burpees - was trying to do 30 but just gave out.
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