Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Upper Body - Playing with Rep Ranges for Better Obstacle Race Training

If you have been following me and my fitness journey then you know that I have recently changed the number of reps per set from a 5 sets of 5 reps each to 5 sets of declining reps and increasing weight. 15, 12, 10, 8, 6. I am convinced that this rep scheme better prepares me for longer distance obstacle races such as the Super Spartan, Spartan Beast and Tough Mudders. The theory behind it is that a racer has to perform an anabolic move (strength) when they are aerobically taxed (tired from already running X+ miles through mud or up and down mountains). Starting with lower weights and higher reps and scaling up the weight and scaling down the reps better trains your muscles to do just that.

In thinking more deeply about this, I questioned the 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 scheme and thought to myself that if I am right, why not stretch out the rep ranges? Why not 20, 15, 10, 5, 3? Sounds good to me. More reps in the beginning to better aerobically tax the muscle group and three reps at the end to maximize the amount of weight at the end. Let's go try it!

What I found is that I could handle the increased reps with a little challenge but that I have to ramp up more on the back end for lower reps. I will ramp up gradually week over week to hit my max on all 5 sets.

I would update the rest of this blog entry with my results from my upper body workout but I left them next to my computer and I think that my two year old daughter did something with it as it is not where I saw it last.

Push Press
Barbell Rows
Bench Press
Pull Ups, Dips & Chin Ups

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